Curated by Judie Christie and Gilly Adams
Speakers: Tim Baker (Wales, UK), Alice Briggs (Wales, UK), John Fox (England, UK), Christine Kinsey (Wales, UK), Dragan Klaic (Netherlands), Eddie Ladd (Wales, UK), Philip Mackenzie (Wales, UK), Roger Owen (Wales, UK), Marc Rees (Wales, UK), Adele Thomas (Wales, UK)
Performances: Gareth Llyr (Wales, UK), Tom Payne (Wales, UK), Louise Ritchie (Wales, UK), Cai Thomas (Wales, UK)
Saturday, December 8th
This is a rare opportunity for practitioners in Wales to gather together to share ideas, visions, enthusiasms, hopes and dreams for theatre: the here and now, the next and the what if?
No, not the National Theatre debate yet again, but using that as a context, an occasion where the voices of artists are fore –grounded, where structures, boards and funding are secondary to the excitement and passion of and about the work that is at the heart of any venture.
Speaking to the Nation? is intended to be an antidote to the disgruntled talk shops that send everyone away with a sense of depression and deja vue. Instead we are seeking inspiration, provocation, engagement, and maybe even entertainment! To avoid too much ranting, there will be a series of specially commissioned Short Cuts, in which individual artists will share something of what consumes them now.
The day needs the generous participation of as many artists as possible. Please come with energy and a sense of humour to share obsessions and celebrate commonality and difference.
Speaking to the Nation? The Artist’s Vision
ddydd Sadwrn, 8 Rhagfyr
Dyma gyfle prin i ymarferwyr yng Nghymru ddod ynghyd i rannu syniadau, gweledigaethau, brwdfrydedd, gobeithion a breuddwydion am y theatr: yr hyn sydd, yr hyn ddaw nesaf a’r beth os?
Na, nid y ddadl am y Theatr Genedlaethol unwaith eto, ond gan ddefnyddio hynny fel cyd-destun, dyma ddigwyddiad lle bydd lleisiau’r artistiaid yn flaenllaw, lle bydd strwythurau, byrddau a chyllid yn eilradd i’r cyffro a’r angerdd am y gwaith sydd wryw fenter.
Bwriad Speaking to the Nation? yw ceisio datrys y broblem o weithdai trafod ailadroddus sy’n gwneud i bawb deimlo’n isel. Yn lle hynny rydym ni’n ceisio ysbrydoli, cythruddo, ymrwymo, ac efallai ddiddanu hyd yn oed! I arbed gormod o refru, ceir cyfres o Lwybrau Byr sydd wedi’u comisiynu’n arbennig, lle bydd artistiaid unigol yn rhannu’r hyn sydd ar eu meddwl ar hyn o bryd.
Mae angen i gymaint o artistiaid â phosibl ddod i’r digwyddiad. Dewch yn llawn egni a synnwyr digrifwch i rannu obsesiynau a dathlu’r hyn sy’n gyffredin ac yn wahanol ynom. .