CPR Associates in 2007: Louise Ritchie and Gareth Llŷr (Aberystwyth) and Anushiye Yarnell (Cardiff)
Louise Ritchie and Gareth Llŷr
Anushiye Yarnell
The Animal Love Project
“Imagine an animal – perhaps one familiar, perhaps one you have never encountered before.”
A new group work featuring four artists whose work has a strong relation to the question of animal and the anthropomorphic subject of love. The performance will consist of combinations of the four artists’ works presented over two evenings.
Yuko Kominani (Japan/Luxembourg)
Linnunrata (Birds’ Way)
A solo movement dance inspired from the Finnish word for milky way, which literally translates as “way of the birds” in Japanese.
Anushiye Yarnell (Wales)
Bear “the Wanderer”
A solo dance performance that recounts a journey that began with the end of a love affair and an racle from the “I Ching” to travel to Peru. Anushiye Yarnell is one of Cardiff’s most idiosyncratic and visionary dancers who creates performances that blend the everyday with extraordinary flights of invention.
Paul Hurley (Wales)
Endurance body art with high-heels, fresh vegetables and may some specialist sports equipment. Hurley will be making a “becoming-locust” action that aims to be as physically intense and beautiful as the experience of love that it tries to understand.
Joelle Gruenberg
Is my Body a Hotel?
A solo performance art work investigating love memories and how such experience accumulates in the body.
The Animal Love project was supported by Arts Council Wales, Wales Arts International and Tupac Association, Peru.