22.5 On Names



Issue editors: Konstantina Georgelou & Janez Janša



Prompted by the pervasive operation of names, which on the one hand act as empty signifiers and on the other ‘fix’ subjects within their cultural and social environments, this issue brings together a variety of contributions that explore the performativity, agency and problematics of names. On Namesaddresses issues around centring and decentring subjectivities through naming and asks what one can (un)do with names by means of art and performance. Ranging across recent political debates, astronomy, authorship, scholarship, procedures of renaming and artistic pseudonyms, the articles collected in this issue urge us to consider how names ‘capture’ us and at the same time generate different modes of agency and possibilities for political intervention.


Editorial : What Names (Un)do
Konstantina Georgelou, Janez Janša

‘I am the Donald.’  : On the sound symbolism and symbolic power of powerful names
Marco Deseriis

Proper Name by Performing the Self : A dramaturgical analysis
Ana Vujanović

Kristin Sue Lucas

Naming the Cosmos Death : On performance, astronomy and Katie Paterson’s The Dying Star Letters
Felipe Cervera

Calling the Signifier by its Name : Citational rescue and the politics of ecstatic reception
Swen Steinhäuser

Spell or Spill It Out : Dismembering a name
Nazlihan Eda Ercin

To Name or Else
Janez Janša

Complicating Authorship : Contemporary artists’ names
Nicola McCartney

Juridical Regulation of a Name Change
Tadej Kovacic

The Unnaming of ‘Aliass’
Karin Bolender

How to Do Things with Names and Signatures : On the politics of performative (re)naming
Aldo Milohnić

The Function of Names in US Presidential Debates : Some recent powerplays
F. L. Blumberg

Naach, Launda Naach or Bidesiya : Politics of (re)naming
Jainendra Kumar Dost

On Stealing Viewpoints
Tony Perucci

Naming and Calling : Missing words
Lynette Hunter

Missing Names
Liesbeth Groot Nibbelink

Art and the Politics of Human Rights after 1945 (review)
Arnaud Kurze

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